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Alright, so Jet has requested an Olympics theme this year for Cousin Bonanza, so I told him that was a cool idea. Is everyone else cool with that? Anyone have any ideas for decorations or games? I was thinking obstacle courses and sports type stuff, fake medals maybe? like maybe we can have it at a field somewhere? Sort of like picnic-style...? tell me what you think!
and no i didn't know that! that would be a fun 4th tho, i've never spent it in a different state. we went to gas works parks one time tho, that was really cool :)
thats lame! I guess you just have to keep trying, I didn't find my first job until April of senior year and it was like right when I was ready to just give up. There's always babysitting!
yeah if i don't find one im going to babysit this little girl like all of july. it's basically the same thing i did with the same kid a two years ago for all of august haha
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