Sledding memories...

My favorite sledding memories are when Grandpa use to hook Ryan and I up to dogs from around Cle Elum and let them pull us around. So much fun!!

Ha ha jk, my favorite sledding memory is doing the "chain" down the hill w/as many cousins as possible.


Katie said…
hahahaha i was like grandpa really did that!?!?!
yeah that was fun!! usually ended up being painful, but fun!
Natalie said…
lol i forgot! that was fun!!!! also the time when katie was going down the hill and calvin yells "Katie watch out for the bump!!!!" Katie said, "what bump UGGG" lol she hit it right then and there it was hilarious!
Rachel said…
it sucks to be the first one down b/c you always find the bumps.

do you guys just have this whole week off or what? it's snowing SO much here!
Katie said…
yeah being first sucks and everyone runs into you lol
yeah that was real fun nat lol
hahah pretty much! we've gone to school one day this week, it's lightly snowing but it snowed a tonnnnn last night so everything is covered
Rachel said…
do you guys want me to bring some ice cream to christmas? if so what kind do you like?
Natalie said…
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol jk! i like chocolate or coffee. what if the word verification code was yideoso! lol
Rachel said…
just plain or with stuff in it?
Katie said…
i like coffee, plain is fine with me
Rachel said…
ok. did you guys really have to go to school today? I can't even leave my apartment! I'm iced in!
Katie said…
nope. not today either.
oh i'm sorry! what r u gonna do!?!? lol
Rachel said…
I'm gonna walk down to fremont I guess. I wasn't going to leave but I guess I can go walk around a little!
Jaiyne said…
Wow guys way to take my favorite sledding memory!!! lol
Jaiyne said…
Might as well change my pic too lol.
Rachel said…
lol Jane. Is anyone else bored out of their minds? I've been stuck in my apartment by myself for three days! I walked down to fremont today and there was no one down there, not even crazy ol' charlie! it was like a ghost town!! I want this snow to go away so I can get outta here. This must be what prison is like...
Natalie said…
ARGGGGG! I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i might go crazy! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! lol
Natalie said…
new pic! no its not of me!
Rachel said…
do any of you have undecided 1 or 2?
Katie said…
wow i went to see if anyone else commented and it was at 17!! crazy
haha i'm sorry about charlie rach! you should go see my dad tomorrow!
hahaha jane. i know we all pretty much have the same one, like the new pic btw!
hahahahah natalie. you should post that video on here! oh was just a pic wasn't it?
Natalie said…
To answer your ? rach, we have undecided 2 i think 1 is at gmas
Rachel said…
your dad went to work today??
Katie said…
no, i thought he was going to tho.
monday probably?
Rachel said…
oh ok. I'm going over Tues. w/Sarah & B. I kind of can't wait to get to a place where I can actually enjoy the snow!