I want to get on top of birthday posts this year. We already got to a crappy start with a one-day late post for Calvin, so let me know if I have all of the birthdays correct here or if I am missing anyone!

January 3- Calvin
February 20- Nick
February 25- Rachel
April 18- Emily
May 9- Andrew
May 28- Daniel
July 4- Jet
August 13- Ryan
August 21- Jane
August 28- Katie
September 7- Natalie
September 18- Annie


Anonymous said…
Hey :)
Good idea! My birthday is the 18th :)
Rachel said…
Oh okay, thanks for letting me know, I think we post yours a day early over here so that it's not a day late when you see it.

p.s. I hope everyone else's birthdays are right because I think we are the only people who read the blog....
Unknown said…
I read it! nice work, that's hard to remember everyone's bdays haha mine is correct
Anonymous said…
Okay :)