syttende mai/ brused rib

HAPPY 17th of May. The national day in Norway. we walked through all of jessheim. later we played games and won prizes. i won a frisbee and a Radisson blue sweater.

And i also brused my rib, on the 16th. i was playing soccer with my friends, and we were playing on a small goal, but i was running and slipped and my right side landed on the top bar. So i have a brused rib and a torn muscle. i have to take pain killers as well.


Rachel said…
whoa jet a bruised rib? that sounds super painful. you are lucky it didnt break though! the 17th of may sounds a lot more exciting in Norway than has been very sunny here though, it looks like its going to be a nice summer!
Anonymous said…
thats great, i cant wait to see you
Anonymous said…
c4n y0u r34d th15, 1ts v3ry c0mpl1c4t3d. 1f y0u c4n y0u 4r3 v3ry 5m4rt. c0m3nt 1n th15 c0d3. try 1t, 1t5 4l0t 0f fun
Jaiyne said…
Ouch! Hope your rib is doing better now!