i was playing soccer over at the field with my friend and we saw a gang. they looked dangerous so we ran as fasts we could, then they ran after us, and the were really fast. we were really tired when we got home, and we were shocked, we didn't know what to do with a gang. p.s. aprilfools


rachel said…
haha jet I was reading this thinking "oh my god!!! a norwegian gang??" lol im glad there was no gang! good joke
Anonymous said…
i was hoping nobody would read the bottom first
Natalie said…
lol nice one!! at first i was like whaaaaaa??

p.s. am i the only one having a hard time reading the "please prove you're not a robot" words?? haha
Sarah said…
This actually tricked me.
Martha said…
I totally fell for this! Pictured a bad Norwegian gang...then thought, I don't remember any bad guys in Norway...