This picture has nothing to do with my post. I just like to add pictures to all my posts and I had a hard time capturing this one. So let's see....went out on Saturday and my phone got stolen!! Big bummer but it happens. Apparently you can't go out in Seattle without having something stolen. I'm at the book store now picking out a book or two. I'm also thinking about getting a dog soon, what do you guys think of these dogs? The first one is named Bear the second one is named Lyla (pink sweatshirt) lol.
Anonymous said…
Lyla i think is the cutest, great choices rach, and good luck finding a new phone.
Lol thanks Jet, well looks like Bear is in the lead Katie, Lyla got adopted so I'm just filling out the application for Bear. It's kind of a process but we will see what happens. I know!! I wanna move to cle elum lol.