This was my favorite part of the Oscars


Katie said…
yeah that was a very good part! i liked at the very end when they were showing what was nominated for best picture, that was a pretty cool montage too
Rachel said…
yeah that was a good one! I love the editing on this one it's so smooth. i was gonna post the video w/james franco and anne hathaway lol "you just got INCEPTIONED"
Anonymous said…
ok well i dont get it
Natalie said…
Ahh! That was gooood! Haha i that part was good to Rach...I really wanna see Black Swan and 127 Hours....anyone happen to see either of those???
Rachel said…
I saw black swan, it was pretty good, just so creepy. and i dont usually get too creeped out so you KNOW it's extra creepy lol. i didn't see 127 hours but Ryan did and he cringes every time I ask him about it so I'm guessing that one is hard to watch. I wanna see Winter's bone.

Jet- i just thought it was a cool video, kinda like at the end of some of our movies when i edit random clips and put them to music.

I wish I had more time to edit :(
Rachel said…
Nat- I think by creepy I mean gross. lol
Katie said…
lol you just got INCEPTIONED!

i just want to see 127 hours...and winters bone too. I wasn't a big fan of black swan im kinda glad it didn't win