Summer update!

How is everyones summer going so far?? July is coming up!

My summer is going okay so far, a lot of job hunting. But we are going to see Toy Story 3 tonight, very very excited! :)


Rachel said…
what summer??? lol its been raining non-stop! well, today is nice but it hasn't felt like summer to me yet kinda weird. im trying so hard to not take a nap today but im so sleeepyyy...
Katie said…
i know i hate this weather!!! i don't understand it at all!
Rachel said…
I know it sucks. At least it's not like freezing but its not really like shorts weather either. Although I've been wearing them anyway lol. What day do you think you guys will be going over to Cle? I'm prob not heading over til the 4th but I will probably stay a few days.
Natalie said…
I wouldn't even call it summer! To me, it just feels like a long weekend. :(

word verification: perch! haha
Katie said…
i feel the same way nat! and im not sure what day we are coming over yet