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Okay so it was a typical pre-teen party with a twist, we were staying in a hotel. We decided we should all go for a swim and this girl I invited wanted my mom to braid her hair before we went down to the pool. And she was that girl that you felt that you had to invite her to your party because she invited you to hers. So my mom finishes braiding her hair and then pulls me aside. Since, as you know, my mom used to be a hairstylist she couldn't help but notice HEAD LICE in my friends hair!! So we hope that they get killed in the chlorine but we were wrong...turns out my other friend got it from her overnight! So my other friend and I got lucky because we didn't get it. My mom even told this girls mom and she didn't believe her and said she just has a dandruff problem....and that is my worst party blunderrrr.jaiynelizabeth=)
word verification: nanap
Raychull woo!!
that a good one for me? lol