Can you name 3 good things that happened to you in the last 24 hours? I had a really crappy 24 hours I think b/c this is all I could come up with lol, but hopefully the next 24 hours will be better!
I found tiles similar to the Cold stone tiles for cheap
Got to watch a new epi. of Celebrity Rehab last night
The other tiles I found worked
in the last 24 hours, i....
1. I went to school and it wasn't too bad of a day haha
2. Saw the movie Cop Out, which was hilarious!
3. Got Taco Del Mar for dinner!! haha
oh im sorry :( i hate getting a bad night's sleep.
1. watched Apolo Ohno on the Olympics
2. went to school. (okay i guess)
3. Got a hair cut!