Happy Birthday Natalie!

Happy 13th Birthday Natalie! Hope you have a great day! :)


Rachel said…
Haaaaaappy Birrrttthhhday Nat!!! Are you doin' anything special today? Have you started New Moon yet? Is there already a plot/script for your bday movie? If so what is it? Also what time is your bday thing on Sunday? I took the day off but I was just curious what time I should come over. Also should bring an ice cream cake or cupcakes?? I'd be happy to! ok that's all my questions I think...
Jaiyne said…
Woo 13!!!
Happy Birthday Natalie!
I'll call you when I get a chance!
Hope you have a GrEaT DaY!!!

(katie and natalie your cards are in the mail)
Natalie said…
lol thanks guys!!! rach, my dad is making mashed potatoes and gravy lol and ya i kinda have started it! um ya we were thinking that the cake would like get stolen haha and the people are going to come at one, umm im not sure we might get a cake but those would be cool too ill let you know we we decide! thanks so much!

haha the word verification is hismix!!!!!
Rachel said…
aaaaahhhh he's making them tonight or he's makin' them for your bday party??? I hope the latter!!! your probably eating them right now....what are you talkin' about stolen cake? lol ok sounds good let me know! oh yeah, could i borrow the camera after your party? like after u upload the stuff? i need to film the last girl for the documentary and they are all bugging me to fiiiinish it
Natalie said…
lol ya you can rach! haha we ate them at the night of my b-day lol!
Rachel said…
well there better be some 6 day old leftovers waiting for me when i get there!!