I feel like I haven't posted on here in forever, but probably hasn't been that long. I wish I was going to Jamaica! Actually I wish I was going anywhere....this pic looks like a nice place to be right? Think so? See those little black things? THOSE ARE SHARKS!!! this beach is in Florida though. it's the shark attack capital of the world...ugh
Are you guys Adam Lambert fans? I think he's really good.
I just watched Wall-E last night what a good movie!! I know that came out forever ago but I thought it was great. I want to see Year 1 but I'm gonna be working that weekend:(
omg florida seems so scary! since it's like really close to the water & they've had a lot of flooding/hurricanes/horrible stuff. plus i hate sharks lol
ehh, i think adam is a cool guy but during the show i never really liked him a whole lot. i just think he needs to stick to broadway lol. i was soooo happy when kris won lol
nope never seen Wall-E. never really wanted to. but OMG i want to see year one soooooooooo bad!!! i think i'm gonna go on fri with a bunch of kids from my school since we get out that day, and the movie comes out that day lol
word verification: lasts lol wow a normal word!
p.s. sorry this was such a long post! lol
word verification: rapit
haha yeah right! i'm gonna have soooo much homework next year!! ..unless you meant for the summer then YEAHH!! I'M SO EXCITED!! lol but i have 3 finals in a row on thurs which i am nottt looking forward to lol