RIP Michael Jackson

You were a great artist and helped create great dance moves....
as show by Rachel, Natalie and myself with Beat it:

And of course, Thriller (a little bit of it lol):


Natalie said…
Best impressions ever!!! I can't believe he died!! It's going to take awhile for me to get over this.... lol! Anyway, nice videos (love part 0:28 in the first video)! Sad though that he died...... sigh
Rachel said…
Ha ha I totally remember Natalie cracking up uncontrollably in the 2nd video. I forgot about our little dance experiment lol. I know, I heard it on the radio and I didn't even believe it I thought it was some weird joke or something but then like every radio station was saying the same thing so...yeah, I figured it out. But yeah, really shocking!
Katie said…
died?" and i was like well idk then she said "michael jackson!" and i was like ha, yeah right lol but she wasn't lying.

i just remember that weird electric shock kind of move that i had to do and it was really weird lol

word verification: flogmen lol
Katie said…
sry, the beginning of that last part was:
yeah natalie came into the room and was like "katie guess who

lol sry
Rachel said…
ha ha, I just kind of created my own beginning to that story when I first read it. I wonder who will inherit Neverland.
Katie said…
hopefully someone sane. and what will happen to all of the beatles songs?!
Rachel said…
I might actually be heading over on the 1st or 2nd instead. If I do that then I might be able to stay for July 4th (the night). Idk for sure. Anyway I can't believe Tolos are coming in today!!
Katie said…
okay. and i think they come
Rachel said…
ha ha right, right of course. Do you know what henna is? I'm getting some and I'm gonna give everyone pirate tattoos for CB! and grandma got a pinata!
Katie said…
henna is just a fake tattoo right? lol
is the pinata of a pirate? lol
Rachel said…
Yeah it looks kinda real but it only stays for like a week or two. It's nbd but I'm hoping none of the parents will Idk what the pinata is of but that would be cool!
Natalie said…
oh i saw the pinatas they are kinda star shaped... not sure how to explain it, but they are red, white, and blue... go figure!
Katie said…
oh yeah that makes more sense nat lol