My Favorite Pizza Topping!!

Ok so my favorite pizza topping is OLIVES!!!!! i loooooove them!!!! i know it may seem gross but not to me!!!! lol sorry this is so late! i am busy too!!! lol anyway there it is! and now im really hungry!!! haha pizza out! rofl! get it? like peace out its pizza out! hahaha im so funny!


Rachel said…
Stop crackin yourself up!! lol olives are good. I wonder what olives and pineapple would be like....with our powers combined...
Jaiyne said…
I Love OLIVES! pepperoni+olives= BEST PIZZA OF ALL TIME! Well I used to always get that but I got kinda sick of olives :-/ but they are still good :D Haha Rach with our powers combined! Olives and Pineapple TO THE RESCUE!!!
Katie said…
hahah us humans have great pizza powers. I think everyone knows how much natalie and I love olives lol