Funny video

Ok, the whole video is kind of funny, but mostly you have to watch the part from 2:40 to 3:10 his face is hilarious!!!
if you've never seen Jiminy Glick, it's Martin Short in a fat suit! lol


Katie said…
it didn't work.
Rachel said…
you will have to copy and paste it, i'm not sure how to do the link thing
Katie said…
hahaha that is funny! he looks like that weight is natural! lol
one of the comments said that julia is a good interviewee, which is so true!! she's really funny!! lol
Rachel said…
yeah I think she made it even funnier, b/c some of the other ones I watched weren't very funny b/c the ppl were so boring. The worst one was Ellen Page, she was the worst interviewee EVER
Katie said…
yeahhhhh! she is! she like is really quiet and nervous so she doesn't turn out funny lol.
these are recent???? I thought they were from like 10 years ago or something!
Rachel said…
Jiminy Glick is an old show, for some reason he did the cast of Juno but they aren't very funny.
Katie said…
which is weird because they are funny in the movie, ironic. lol
where are all the other cousins!??!?!?! you and me are like the only ones on here!
Natalie said…
fear not i am here!!!! lol thats funny rach!!! its weird to!!! ellen page was there? interesting yes i agree with you guys! lol rlly funny stuff!
Katie said…
why didn't you do the pizza post nat?
Rachel said…
Jane never gets on! She is snubbing homieupdawg! I know she's a busy girl but Jane you better tell us your favorite pizza topping or your getting a phone call!!