No more braces!!

Hey Guys! Wow I haven't been on here in forever!! Just wanted to say I FINALLY got my braces off haha. It was so awkward! All the people that work there gathered around my mom and I and started singing "You Got Your Braces Off!" lol!! Retainer land here I come!! Maybe I'll put a pic on later. Anyways....What's new with everyone!?? Yay we have a three day weekend! It was lamost a 4 day weekend....stupid snow day haha. Oh and I dyed my hair a little darker.....that was like way back in winter break though.Sorry its kinda a lame post.


Katie said…
AHHHHHHH!!!! thats so awesome jane!!! hahahah yeah they did that to me but my mom wasn't there and there was like a kid from my school so it was like "omg get me out of here" lol
nothing new here, finals are tomorrow so i've been studying and freaking out all week lol.
lol thats cool! about ur hair lol

word verification: crest!!!!
lol okay well later!
Jaiyne said…
Haha! There was a girl from my school too! Ooh good luck on finals!!! :-D and okay I'll try to get one on tommorow. Cya!
Rachel said…
Congrats Jane thats great! it feels good to be able to eat everything again! what does your hair look like? enjoy your weekend!
Katie said…
oh thats right! i forgot how good it feels to eat things without thinking "should i eat this??" lol once again congrats!!
Natalie said…
well i guess im last to say CONGRATS JANE!!!!!!! hahaha ya i remember that feeling when i got my expander off, the glue falling off onto my tongue. Good times, good times! lol
Natalie said…
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