Snow in MV

We got back from grandma's and there was so much snow at our house!! My mom couldn't pull into the driveway lol. Here is a pic of Sarah's car and all the snow around it. Send a pic of your house, if you want.

Merry Christmas everyone :)


Jaiyne said…
Merry Christmas to you too! Wow that's alot of snow. U beat me to posting lol. Well nothing new over here at grandmas.....
Jaiyne said…
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Katie said…
lol what movie are you watching now???
play luxor!! u won't get bored with that game
Natalie said…
Really is a winter wonderland!!!! Are you leaving today jane???
Katie said…
yeah jane are u guys leaving when the olson's come or are they even stopping by?
Rachel said…
How does this post already have 5 comments! I was thinking there wouldn't even be a new post yet! you guys beat me to it.

I just got back home today and the snow has pretty much all melted or turned to slush here. I think Jane is staying for a few more days.

Jane- sorry I couldn't stay for longer I really wanted to hang out and go see a movie and stuff but I feel so crappy :( I hope you have fun over there though. I still can't believe you got an iphone!! That is so cool, every time I play with one I want one more and more ha ha. I'm afraid I'd break it or something, but I still really want one anyway. The texting is so fun! Was my mom able to download labrynth?

I was going to put a new post of me with my new hamster toys but i don't have the picture. I left them in Cle I think I'm just gonna have my mom give them to Andrew. Lol that was SO funny!

I don't remember what the stupid question was that I answered but I'm celebrating my win by eating soup and blowing my nose every five seconds, it's pretty awesome.

Longest comment ever woooohoooo!!!
Katie said…
i think i have a pic with you and the toys. hahaha that was seriously the funniest thing i have ever heard!! i will never forget that, hopefully. i got natalie's email that you won and i don't think i even got the question!! lol i was really confused. oh im sorry rach, i hope you feel better! too bad you don't have a hamster to keep you company ;)
Rachel said…
It would be kind of funny if I got one now!! ha ha. I actually wanted to post the pic on sweetmartha but I don't want Darcy to feel bad, I hope she knows that it was hilarious and that I didn't care at all!
Katie said…
haha that would be funny but yeah that might happen. lol hopefully she does...probably.

oh and i forgot to say that thankfully the snow is turning into slush so now you can leave your apartment! lol