Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas!!!! Hope you have a wonderful time! Merry Christmas to all and to all goodnight! Remember, a persons a person no matter how small!! Just thought I would throw that in there!


Katie said…
it's not xmas yet natalie
Natalie said…
wow really!? no dur katie!! haha
Katie said…
oh thanks nat!
5 more days tho!!
Rachel said…
what day are you guys going over?
Rachel said…
Really it's 3 more days since we open our presents on christmas eve!
Katie said…
tomorrow, if the pass is okay
John O. said…
merry Christmas to you too. We are in California for this Christmas but still thinking of you

plus i thought you should know this is not John this is EMILY
Katie said…
thanks em! lol
we will miss you all!!
Rachel said…
Hi Emily! Merry Christmas, hope you are having fun down there!