Congratz to Rachel!!

Hey guys! Well I said my Thanksgiving post was a competition and the first person to respond gets an award....and that person was.............................*drum roll please*................................RACHEL!!! Woo! Okay Rach Here's Your Prize: (Enjoy!!!)

(The trophy says "Star Blogger awarded to Rachel") lol!


Katie said…
lol i am so proud of you rach!!

how did you get it to say that?
Natalie said…
lol! rachel was not here to claim her prize so i will be accepting it on her behave... lol jk! cool effects jane!
Katie said…
hahaha u said behave instead of behalf
Natalie said…
I meant to say behalf! IM JUST A PERSON!!! IM NOT PERFECT!!! so bite me!
Katie said…
ew, no way. i don't think you would taste good.
Jaiyne said…
I think you would be delishous!! JK jK!!! lol.. And I edited it lol.
Katie said…
i didn't know u could do
wait, edited what?
Jaiyne said…
Edited the picture of the trophy.
Katie said…
ohhhh got it!

i don't think rach has seen this
Rachel said…
No one accepts my award!! I was out of town!! Thank you for the award Jane that is cool!! Man I hate that I've missed out on so many cool posts! I need to catch up!
Katie said…
annie posted!