Hey guys! I created a cousin quiz to test your cousin knowledge. Please take it and post your answers on a comment. This is the website the quiz can be found at: http://janers21.piczo.com/cousinquiz?cr=1&linkvar=000044
Thanks! And good Luck! :)
WOW you really know your cousins! Congratz!!"
thats what it said...lol but i wanted to know how many i got wrong! oh well.
awesome idea! it was reallyyyyy funny too. like the stroller question! ahahha
1. 12
2. Natalie
3. 6
4. The Cuz Club (currently under construction) lol
5. Emily
6. Rachel
7. Annie
8. Andrew
9. Jane
10. Katie and Natalie
11. Clubpenguin (I'm addicted to it!)
12. Rachel
13. Jet
14. Jane
15. Katie
16. Natalie
17. Emily
18. Daniel
19. Ryan
20. Calvin
21. Jane and Katie
22. Daniel